Our theme this month is: SCATTER KINDNESS AROUND LIKE SNOWFLAKES. You know how snowflakes beatify every single thing they touch? That’s how kindness is… every time you do an act of kindness, big or small, it makes the world a better place to live. Even tiny acts of kindness can have a lasting impact. And since being kind is absolutely, 100 percent free, let’s show our kiddos they can make a difference in the lives of people around them just by giving of themselves. No trips to Target or bottomless Amazon scrolling required!
After learning a bit about our this month’s theme, we will spend the remainder of our time at three separate Service Stations. At the first station, we’ll be creating some holiday cookie cutter tea towels for families in need. The second station will feature the assembly of highly adorable art supply kits for Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona. And last, we will create some cuddly soft snowmen ornaments to give to children this season. You know here at Kids for Kindness we’re just doing what we can to keep your kids off the naughty list!
Note: We have planned two sessions for our December event, so just choose the one that works best for your schedule!
We charge a nominal materials fee per participant. Thus, the supplies for each of these activities will be provided as part of the cost of participation. Detailed instructions for each project will be provided as well. The fee will secure your spot in our program. If, for any reason, you must cancel your registration, please do so at least 10 days before the event in order to secure a full refund. Otherwise, your materials fee will be forfeited.
Our events are geared to kids of all ages, and we have had kids ranging in age from 1 to 18 at our events. So all are welcome! Parents or guardians are asked to stay with their children through the length of the program to assist the children in completing the tasks at each station.